Find it difficult to make decisions, often do not trust myself.
Tend to avoid conflict.
Believe that people wouldn’t like me if they really knew me.
Can’t disappoint others.
Have a critical, judging, harsh inner voice.
Have debilitating anxiety/fear before social situations, tests, interviews, or performances.
Find it difficult to set boundaries and especially to say ‘no’ to people.
Don’t know what to do with strong emotions, especially anger, jealousy, sadness.
Excessively compare myself to others.
Feel like an imposter, and often wear a mask in social situations, not authentically me.
Feel powerless over my life.
Find it hard to really trust and be vulnerable with people.
Find it hard to relax and often feel on high alert.
Hate or strongly dislike my body.
Often experience low mood, mood instability, or moderate depression.
Have low self-confidence and low self-esteem.
Do not feel comfortable in my own skin.
Often do not say or stand up for what I really think and feel.
Experience panic attacks.
Tend to people-please.
Tend toward perfectionism and/or procrastination.
Experience persistent feelings of self-doubt and incompetence despite my education, experience, and accomplishments.
Sabotage or avoid people, opportunities, needs, goals and dreams because of anxiety.
Self-harm - cutting, substance misuse, disordered eating.
Experience a sense of impending doom that something bad is about to happen.
Feel like there is something innately wrong with me - I’m bad or flawed.
Have a hard time standing up/advocating for myself.
Tend to worry and ruminate and get stuck in my thoughts.
Have frequent thoughts that I’m not enough - good enough, smart enough, ready enough etc.
It is important for others to always think highly of me.
Be kind to yourself…you are not alone and there is a way forward!
Here are some common thoughts, feelings, and behaviours related to ANXIETY, SHAME, AND IDENTITY that we can explore in counselling…how many of the 30 resonate with you?